Identification Badge

All LNF Fellows must have a personal badge to be claimed at

Central Administration – Bld n.30 – Ufficio Protocollo (ground floor on the right)

Monday – Friday  h. 10.30 to 11.30 am


The badge is personal and must always be carried with you for security reasons and identification.
It will allow you to access the LNF premises and to use the canteen for free.

If you already have a recent LNF badge you might continue to use the same one subject to verification of validity with Ufficio Concorsi, Borse di Studio, Utenti Esterni LNF.



Complementary Health Insurance

LNF Fellows are entitled to a completely free health insurance that can only be taken out upon recruitment.
In order to join, please fill in and sign the Online Membership Form

All information are available here .



Registration to INPS Pension Scheme

All fellows holding Assegno di Ricerca must be registered in the Pension Scheme of the INPS – Italian National Social Security Institute.

As soon as you start your activity you must register at the INPS Separate Management (Gestione Separata) website www.inps.it



Code of conduct for staff members

It is compulsory for all staff members to read the INFN code of conduct for Staff adopted in compliance with Article 54 of D.lgs. 165/2001 and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the National Anti-Corruption Authority for evaluation and transparency of Public Administrations.



Health and Safety at Work and Radiation Protection

All External Users must follow the instructions given by Activity Manager and comply with the current legislation on Health and Safety at Work (Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions) and on Radiation Protection (Legislative Decree 101/20).




Activity Report

At the end of the contract, fellows must draw up a short report on the activity they carried out.

This report must be signed and sent via email to useroffice@lists.lnf.infn.it.