LNF Guesthouse is reserved for guests who access the Laboratories for study or research reasons, on the occasion of events, conferences, and seminars or for other reasons connected to LNF-activities.


Reservations must be made through the online reservation system only. 

Requests received in any other way will not be taken into consideration.

Booking confirmation will be sent via email.


→ Same-day reservations are not possible

Book a room

Both the guesthouses are located within the National Laboratories of Frascati premises.
Room reservation cannot be confirmed if the person is not eligible to access LNF.

Please contact the Secretariat of the experiment/group where your activity will take place:

Research DivisionAccelerator Division – Technical DivisionOutreach

It is not permitted to host family members or friends in the guesthouses

Access is prohibited to people under 18 years of age

Smoking is not allowed


It is not possible to stay in the guesthouse for more than 30 consecutive days without the consent of LNF Director

Access is not permitted during LNF closure time



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Rooms prices per night

TWIN ROOM (if occupied by 2 persons)
To request a twin room: when booking both users must indicate the name of the other occupant
40 Euros






The LNF Guesthouses do not have a reception.

Reservations are managed during working time: Mon-Thu 8am-4pm – Friday 8am-3pm

Requests are subject to availability and will be processed as soon as possible.


To communicate changes to an already confirmed booking: guesthouse@lists.lnf.infn.it